opinions & musings

kinfolk mag, porn for hipster girls.

So, thanks to the magical books.com.tw, I got my issues of Kinfolk in today!

So basically, after 2 hours of flipping through the magazines from cover-to-cover, I came to this conclusion:

#1. The writers in this magazine surely have to be trolling, because I can’t even comprehend how someone can type a phrase like “Our tree, and the precious transient gift of its presence, changes our home” without bursting into hysterical laughter.

#2. Beautiful photographs. So, so, beautiful.

Basically, It’s porn. 

Porn for wanna-be hipster girls.

…like me.

Kinfolk, you are a $24.00 piece of hipster porn, how shall I count the ways? (By the way, I did not pay 24 USD for my copies….)

IMG_4263 IMG_4264 IMG_4265One. Cute woodsy boys dressed in plaid and holding food.

Listen. I’m sure this is someone’s real boyfriend. In fact, he’s probably has a real Instagram and maybe even a Twitter and is friends with the lovely, super-tiny cute white couple that publishes this magazine.

But that’s not important. The real question is, will this ever be my boyfriend? Will I ever pick up my polaroid camera and snap of pic of my hunky sweetie dressed in plaid, fresh from chopping an entire core of wood; now thoughtfully helping me to set a freshly picked plate of organic salad on the table? Is this in any way related to my current life?

I think you already know the answer, and that, ladies, this is why I deem Kinfolk hipster porn.

IMG_4279Well, if I can’t have salad-setting wood chopping man, I’ll settle for cardigan-wearing coffee-brewing cutie who sits on the front stoop every morning to brew me a cuppa on a little…table.


3 thoughts on “kinfolk mag, porn for hipster girls.

  1. The magazine seems to paint a lovely utopia and I’m loving the wanna be hipster style! Though I can’t seem to pull it off 100%. But I’m way excited to go shopping in Taiwan!

    • Haha isn’t it? As much as I make fun of it, I’ve read almost every issue & I’ll be posting more pictures of it, so keep on the look out! I’m also gonna write something about how the utopia they’re painting is very…idealistic & totally catered towards rich white people….BUT I get some great ideas from it; and I think that kind of lifestyle is achievable–with a unique Asian twist of course 😉

      • Yeah that’s totally true- we often do mock the lifestyle but we also think it’s pretty hip! At least I think so. I think it allows us to be free and fashionable at the same time, which I admire. And that’s a really good point! I can agree with that and I also think adding an Asian twist makes it even more unique. I feel like Taiwan is a great place to achieve that, especially with the huge group of hipster fashion available! Btw, this is pretty related to my research! I’ll tell you more info when we meet! 🙂 Can’t wait!

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